Copyright registration is currently handled by the Taiwan Development & Research Academia of Economic & Technology. It takes approximately between one week and one month to receive the registration certificate, the procedure is as follows:

(1) Receive and docket case

The applicant requests for attestation registration, Taiwan Development & Research Academia of Economic & Technology will immediate docket the case upon receipt.

(2) Check payment of fees

Taiwan Development & Research Academia of Economic & Technology will confirm whether all required fees been paid for the case. If fees have been paid, the case will enter into preliminary examination. Otherwise, notification to complete payment will be sent.

(3) Preliminary examination

After docketing the case, preliminary examination will be entered. The steps for passing and not passing examination are as follows:

1. Passes examination: preliminary examination has been passed, reexamination will be entered.

2. Does not pass examination: if preliminary examination is not passed, a notification for correction will be sent. If the application is corrected as according to the notification, the application will re-enter preliminary examination.

(4) Reexamination

After preliminary examination is passed, reexamination will be entered. The steps for passing and not passing reexamination are as follows:

1. Passes examination: if examination is passed, the application will be inserted into records, and the attestation registration certificate will be produced.

2. Does not pass examination: if reexamination is not passed, the reexamination group will convene with preliminary examination personnel to conduct a meeting for not passing reexamination, and reject the application. If corrections are made as according to the notification for correction, the application will re-enter preliminary examination.

(5) Insertion into records, issuance of attestation registration certificate

The stage of insertion into records and issuance of attestation registration certificate will be entered.

(6) Mailing of attestation registration certificate

The attestation registration certificate and receipt will be mailed.

(7) Update and file records

The information for the attestation certificated will be filed. The information will be separated into two filing packets and filed away in two different places.



(Source: Taiwan Development & Research Academia of Economic & Technology)